Sagar Medtiya

Web developer Problem solver

  • Phone: +91 9820055414
  • Email:

Education & Skills


Aug 2017 -- June 2021

A. C. Patil College of Engineering

-- B.E in EXTC

Aug 2015 -- Apr 2017

Christ Academy

-- XII - HSC

Work Experience

Apr 2020 -- Mar 2022

Leadgenius, California

-- Data Researcher

Nov 2021 -- Jan 2022

Future Ready Talent, India

-- Software Intern

  • Successfully completed an intern with the certificate. [Link]

Key Skills


A Realtime WebRTC voice chat app made using MERN stack. The user can login and join the public rooms to chat or create a room with different topic. Try it out by going to my Github and clicking the website link.

A pizza delivery app made using MEN stack. The user can login and order the pizza. The admin panel will recieve the order of pizzas. And the user can pay through stripe payment gateway. Try it out by going to my Github and clicking the website link.

Built an API to Login, Logout and Register the user and get the access and refresh token. Also added the features like create, update, delete and get all the details about the products.

Implemented the cloned version of Amazon site using ReactJS. Deployed this app in Firebase cloud platform. Integrated with Stripe payment gateway.

Realtime bot for Pandemic Preventation

View on Github

The function of this bot is Mask Detection, Hand Sanitization and Floor Sanitization. Face Mask Detection is done using ML in raspberry pi 4. Floor Sanitization and Hand Sanitization is done in simulation using ESP-32 and Arduino.

Armbot using WebSockets

View on Github

Built with an ESP-32 and Websocket. Can be controlled with an android app and website.

e-Yantra project of Drone Simulation

View on YouTube

Simulated a Drone using ROS and Gazebo to pick whycon marker by PID control algorithm.
